America Honors

Monday October 12, 2020 Columbus Day

Monday October 12, 2020
Columbus Day

It seems to me, as I look out over the landscape of the United States, as I listen to the news on the varies stations on the radio, as I read opinion articles on the internet, from various writers on a variety of websites, large and small, from all points of view, as I listen to people on the street, in the grocery line, in convenience stores… people talking to each other, arguing with each other, attacking each other, I mean… people… Citizens, and maybe non-citizens, I’m not all the time sure… regardless, we are all here, and all of us, for the most part, are working hard and doing what we can, using what we have at our disposal, to make the day go by… for some people… it is easy… for others… the day takes a heavy toll.

It is as though ‘america’ is in a desperate battle to find an ‘identity’, and it is causing havoc and chaos among otherwise rational people.

Today, on Columbus Day, something has occurred to me, something so clear, something that is so obvious, as the air that we all breathe or the water that we all need to live.

That ‘something’ is that America already has an identity… and this ‘identity’ can be found in the Charters of Freedom, which are:

The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution of the United States, and last, but absolutely not the least among them, The Bill of Rights.

The Charters of Freedom are known to be instrumental to the founding and philosophy of the United States.

  • The Declaration of Independence declares the reasons for the separation from Great Britain, and for which ideals the United States stand for.
  • The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law, which establishes a system of government which identifies that its power is derived from the People.
  • The Bill Of Rights guarantees your civil rights and liberties, as an individual, as an American Citizen, as it relates to the government.

In these three documents, you shall find America’s identity, and in these three documents you shall find what this identity can mean for you… as an American Citizen.

God Bless the United States of America, and may our unalienable rights, endowed to us by our Creator, among them being Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, be secured to all of her Citizens.