Welcome to CruzintheRaw

America is NOT for everyone… but millions from around the world risk life and limb to get here.

The fact of the matter is that living in America is hard… and it is especially hard when you DO NOT KNOW how America WORKS, and also, WHY America even exists.

As declared in the Declaration Of Independence (DOI)… there are certain truths that ALL Americans hold to be self-evident.

FIRST… that ALL MEN are created equal.

Which means that I am no better that you… nor are you no better than me.

Second… ALL OF US are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable Rights and among these Rights are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.

Which means… that if you find yourself here in America, then you should move on and live your LIFE as you wish, as you have been granted the LIBERTY, by birth, by your Creator, to live your life in a way that makes YOU happy.

The DOI goes on to say… that in order to secure our unalienable Rights [which, if you recall, were granted to YOU, at birth, by YOUR Creator] governments are instituted among men, and these governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed.

This means that YOU as an American Citizen, give your consent, you agree to, you give permission, you give the thumbs up…, to the government… to govern you, and because you give your consent, you can also take back your consent… (of course, there are rules).

And in my view, here is one of the best parts of the DOI: that whenever a government becomes destructive to these ends (which means a government that attempts to water down, destroy, or eliminate YOUR unalienable Rights) then it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish said government.

This means that YOU, ME, US… the American Citizens, possess All The Power… Supreme Power.

Sadly, the American Citizen, has fallen prey to a corrupt and manipulative government, and as a result, the American Citizens have allowed rats and snakes, posing as humans, to infest governing bodies across America.

From mayors to governors to congressmen and senators to the president of the United States, the smell of corruption is odorous.

Many dishonest elected politicians are occupying every office across the United States, who are as corrupt as Bernie Madoff… and as charming as Jeffrey Epstein, using their elected positions to successfully siphon millions of dollars from American Taxpayers… all for their own personal gain.

There is only one way for America to correct herself… and that is for Good American Citizens to revive what has long been declared in the Declaration Of Independence.

America is a Republic, and as a Republic, the American Citizen has Supreme Power.

Powerful and corrupt factions, from local and national politicians, to celebrities and musicians, to news media and bloggers, have mind-jacked the American Citizen into believing that they are dependent helpless puppets.

There was a time when the politician feared the Voter… today, it seems as though the voter worships the Politician.

An elected politician is your servant, and YOU, the American Citizen, are their Master.

When the politician does NOT perform… YOU vote them out… when the politician does well… YOU vote them back in.

YOU, the American Citizen, are the Master in America… you are NOT a puppet… Cut Off The Strings.

Welcome to CruzintheRaw

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