The Greatest Country On Earth

I have traveled all across America as a truck driver for twenty-years, this is after living a normal life for thirty-seven-years surrounded by my family and close friends in San Antonio Texas.

I did however live in The Great State of Florida from 1988 to 1993, and that sure was special… (Good Times… Good Times)

Anyway, when I first started driving a truck I did not know what I was getting myself into.

What I did know was that I was bound to discover new places, and for sure, I was going to meet new and different people, and I was absolutely jazzed about that… a little scared too.

While driving a truck, I did learn a whole lot about a whole bunch of stuff, but mostly, I learned that America truly is a melting pot, of cultures, dialects, and just the way people think and do things.

Don’t get me wrong, America is not all about bunny rabbits and lollipops.

Being Hispanic, as I delivered freight across the country in my Big Truck, I did encounter some people who did not like ‘my kind’… not many, but they’re out there.

That’s cool, it didn’t bother me none, I mean come on, we’re all FREE to like, or FREE to NOT like, whomever we choose… and besides, we’re all just out here working hard, and some not so hard, to pay the bills, and so long as they didn’t bother me, I didn’t bother them.

In the end, we all get paid with the same green dollar.

But after a while, I could absolutely feel a shift in the way people ‘thought’ about each other, and I can tell you that it wasn’t all about ‘race’, it was more about politics and ideology.

The birth and rise of the internet, smart phones, satellite radio, podcasts, websites, blogs, cable news, youtube, facebook, tiktok, and on and on and on… all this NEW technology that was supposed to ‘bring us all together’ was in reality ripping us all apart… and it still is.

Everybody is always fighting… for no apparent reason… other than for the self-fulfilling-prize of ‘BEING RIGHT’.

America is The Greatest Country On Earth… and it is NOT because of any one political party or any particular politician, or an inventor, an actor, a musician, or a celebrity.

America is The Greatest Country On Earth because EVERYONE HAS THE FREEDOM AND OPPORTUNITY to join any political party, or become a politician, become an inventor, become an actor, become a musician, or become a celebrity.

America is The Greatest Country On Earth because of the Charters of Freedom.

American Citizens, especially those born after 1994, can not understand America without, at the very least, reading, studying, and understanding the Charters of Freedom. (BELOW)

I implore ALL American Citizens to read, to study, and to understand The Charters of Freedom, as these documents are the foundation of America, and should be the philosophy and principles of ALL American Citizens.

Parents… read and study these documents with your young children before you send them out into the world to stake their claim.

In these documents, you shall find America’s identity, and in these documents you shall find what this identity can mean for you… as an American Citizen.

God Bless the United States of America, and let us ALL pray, or hope, and/or wish, that our unalienable rights, endowed to us by our Creator, among them being Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, be secured for ALL American Citizens… for now and forever and ever.

The Charters Of Freedom

  • The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law, which establishes a system of government which identifies that its power is derived from the People
  • The Bill Of Rights guarantees and secures your civil rights and liberties, as an individual, as an American Citizen, as it relates to the government