Free Speech

YAHOO! Creates ‘Safe-Space’

If you take a LOOK at the end of Yahoo articles today (January 14, 2021) you will see the following statement…

Our goal is to create a safe and engaging place for users to connect over interests and passions. In order to improve our community experience, we are temporarily suspending article commenting.

How do you ‘create a safe and engaging place’?

Well, it seems that Yahoo will ‘create’ this space by shutting down the People’s ability to express their ‘passions’ FREELY.

Every American Citizen needs to ask themselves, if shutting down conversation, regardless if it’s agreeable or civil, is the action of a FREE Country?, because in the end, in America, the American Citizen is in control, as it should be.

Always remember, that what happens TODAY to one person, group, organization, or business, will eventually come back on YOU in some way, some day.

In ‘which way’?

Think about this:

You, TODAY, may not want to start a business, but one day, months or years from now, you might want to, but because of what you ‘let happen’ TODAY, you could find yourself having to jump through onerous hoops. Hoops that you supported… TODAY, which YOU will have to deal with in THE FUTURE.

I think people always refer to this result as ‘unintended consequences’.

The Youth of today do not seem to understand that THEY will be part of ‘THE OLD GENERATION’… one day, and they will have to live under the bindings and restrictions which they themselves have created… TODAY.

Think about that.

What will YOU NOT BE ABLE TO DO to increase the quality of your life because of WHO you voted for TODAY, and because of WHAT LAWS you supported TODAY, because once a policy becomes law, it is very very hard to turn back the LAW in YOUR FUTURE.

FREEDOM for YOUR LIFE is what needs to be SECURED TODAY, and you do that by THINKING ABOUT RIGHT NOW what you are voting for… LOGICALLY, rather than voting with your TRIGGERED EMOTIONS.

(I wonder, will the word ‘triggered’ be outlawed? We shall see.)