Lifestyle USA

Cowboys Fan Dumped by Her Fiance, VIA TEXT!

No Way to Break-Up with Your Fiance!

It’s one thing to get dumped by your fiance, it’s another thing to get dumped just before Christmas, and yet another to get dumped via a text message.

Imagine that!

Well, Brenna Clanton, a HUGE Cowboy Fan from Austin Texas, got the better end of the deal when she got dumped by her ‘fiance’.

Apparently her fiance would have never lived up to what a HUSBAND should be.

If this guy cannot break up face-to-face, what do you think this guy would have done when she delivered the news of ‘Honey, I’m pregnant!’, or the car payment is due, or the mortgage has to be paid.

Yeah, Ms. Clanton is better off knowing what kind of LOSER this guy is now rather than later.

Stay strong Brenna Clanton, someone much better is in your future.

THAT’s the American Way!

Checkout the video: