Political Games, Ted Cruz

Pride has Lead Ted Cruz to a Desolate Desert

An Open Letter to Mister Ted Cruz…

Ted Cruz, you have proven to be a PROUD man and certainly a man of PRINCIPLE.

These two attributes are extremely noble and if you so choose to risk your family, your personal fortune and your personal future to stand strong and to not violate your personal principles, then all I have to say to you is this…, ‘Sir, you are a man of integrity and you have my undeniable respect.’

However, I would continue and further emphasize this… that America does not reside in your soul Mister Cruz. America does not belong to you alone.

America is a nation of over 300 million and is gloriously diverse, and though not every American may share or agree with your values, your principles and/or morals, regardless of how pure you may believe they may be, it does not deem any American any less American.

This election is not about your wife Mister Cruz.

This election is also NOT about your father.

This election is about The United States of America and America has spoken by way of their vote.

Unfortunately, you lost.

You Sir, did not win.

With your speech tonight, at the Republican Convention, you accomplished nothing more than to fracture a Republican Party which is already tethered with frayed thread.

I can only pray that you find solace in your faith, and for the sake and for the future of an America that is visibly crumbling right before our very eyes, I further pray that you support and endorse the elected Republican Nominee and do all that you can to deliver the votes to place Republican Leadership in The Oval Office.

I don’t know what kind of President Mr. Trump will be, but he is who the people have elected, and like it or not, at least for this go around, he is all we have.