It seems as though everyday we hear in the news about some HACKER cracking into some computer system and stealing personal information.
It’s disgusting to me.
I am a strong advocate for American Consumers to use the internet as little as possible when it comes to banking, shopping or completing any kind of online form that requires entering your personal information, such as; your social security number, driver license number, your full name, maiden name, date of birth, children’s names, place of employment, clubs or groups you belong to, etc.
I know I am asking the impossible, but THE RISK IS JUST TO HIGH!
The stories I post here are REAL and I post these stories with the intent to make you aware of the danger of online activity and to hopefully move you towards opting for Face-to-Face interaction so that you can protect yourself from cybercriminals.
The internet is an amazing invention for research and learning, but horrible and dangerous for sharing personal information.
So, American Consumers… TAKE CAUTION!