Business in America is all about making money, and making money is the True American Dream.
Sure, you can make the argument that there is a lot more to life than making money, however, you cannot deny the fundamental fact that most everything in life costs money.
If you desire TRUE Freedom and TRUE Security in America, it is required that you understand how business works, because by understanding how business works, you will understand how to make money.
Listen, you can choose to ignore these words, but if you do, you will have a hard time living in America, and most likely, destined for a life of poverty, uncertainty, and despair.
Now listen again, I am not promulgating that you need to become filthy rich in America, though this would not be such a terrible thing, but it would be a good idea to take the money that you already earn, and learn how to turn it into more.
Regardless of whether you have acquired a formal education, or whether you dropped out of high school, the business of making money can be learned, all that is required of YOU, is that you have the willingness to learn.
My MISSION with Smart Money is to present some fundamental concepts about the business of making money and I encourage every American to develop an acute sense for spotting financial opportunity.
My Dream is for All Americans to Achieve The True American Dream… FINANCIAL FREEDOM and FINANCIAL SECURITY.
God Bless America!