America is NOT on the decline, as some organizations would like you to believe, along with these young protesters that we see on television and as the comments on social media seem to be depicting with their marches and banter across America.

What is on the decline is an abundance of LEADERSHIP.
No, I am not talking about the kind of leadership that politicians, government officials, or city council members pretend to want to deliver.
On the contrary, I do believe these type of so-called ‘leaders’ are the actual problem.
Not to mention political commentators on many major television news networks (who are more celebrity than they are actual news-people) that offer more of an opinion, as opposed to straight-forward-news-and-information, with the intent to persuade the youth of America and mold their personal and political thought process.
Sadly, these ‘celebrity-types’ that appear on television and social media platforms are very good at what they do; persuading people to believe what they want them to believe.
Many young people who have never held a real job and who have never actually interacted with real people in the real world, have a false belief that by simply sending tweets or posting pictures of ‘love’ on facebook can really make a positive difference in their communities and around the world.
Who can blame them, since their minds have been bathed and showered in a socialist educational system, from K to 12 and on forward into college.
Even the First Lady Michelle Obama believes that by simply posting an image of herself holding a sign that reads: ‘#BringBackOurGirls’ can actually help bring back 276 girls who were kidnapped from a school in Nigeria back in April of 2014 by an extreme militant organization, Boko Haram.
Where are these ‘girls’?
Oh, that’s right, if asked, Mrs. Obama would say that she still ‘thinks about them everyday’ and ‘the girls are in her prayers’ and oh yes, ‘her heart goes out to them.’
If our true leaders do not raise the standards of the American Youth, America is certain to meet its disastrous end.
The greatest country on earth can only be elevated by leaders who are in the front-lines of our society, leaders who can be entrusted to raise the standard of our American Youth.
Leaders such as Mothers and Fathers who can instill true American Values within the American Youth, such as Honor, Discipline and Respect.
Leaders within our Local Business Communities who have direct and constant daily access to the youth of America and have the social infrastructure to demand a strong work ethic and offer challenging opportunities that come with attractive incentives.
So long as we allow the youth of America to falsely believe that they have all the answers to solve all of the worlds problems, by simply pushing a few buttons on their smart phones and sending messages of ‘love’, our great country will inevitably fall, because the youth of America will eventually be the one’s who inherit the responsibility to defend America.
America has tremendous enemies outside of its borders and those enemies could care less about whether you ‘love’ them or not.

America has enemies who demand our destruction, enemies who are patient, enemies who can wait for a naive generation to grow into power, and then, our enemies will strike at the point of least resistance.
So, Mothers and Fathers and Local Business Communities, it is time you take charge and discipline the youth of America, because if there is no one in the future to defend the greatest country on earth, America will cease to exist.