Listen, when Sean Spicer, President Trump’s Press Secretary, steps to the podium, he is speaking for President Trump, and though he is addressing the media, he is also speaking directly to ALL Americans.
So, when Sean Spicer stepped up to the podium on January 21st of 2017 and proceeded to scold the media as though they were his step-children, we can surmise that President Trump was also scolding the media.
When Sean Spicer insisted that the crowds gathered for President Trump’s inauguration were,
‘the largest audience ever to witness an inauguration, period, both in person and around the globe.’
well, as I see it, the evidence proves that Sean Spicer is not telling the truth, and if he is speaking for President Trump, then Mr. Trump is also not telling the truth.
Click here to check out the images on CNN.
If Mr. Spicer has seen the same evidence that is all over the internet, including images and video, then Mr. Spicer had no business in chastising the media by saying,
‘These attempts to lessen the enthusiasm for the inauguration are shameful and wrong.’
Look, regardless of whether you voted for Trump or not, you cannot allow this misrepresentation to continue from the Trump Administration, because right now, the subject is about ‘who had the biggest crowds, Trump or Obama’?, what will it be next, ‘China or Iran has threatened war against the USA’?
I would not be surprised if the Trump Administration is simply ‘testing the waters’ to determine just exactly how far they can go before their supporters begin to call them out.
Do not be so enamored towards any politician that you give them a free pass, because I say to you now, that if you do, the consequences may be deadly.