John F Kennedy (Democrat) said:
“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”
Ronald Reagan (Republican) said:
“Trust but verify.”
Not long after the attack of September 11, 2001, America began a slow and steady turn towards becoming a whole new thing.
Not because of the attack itself, but rather because American Citizens were afraid (myself included) and for the fear of not knowing what was going to happen next, as we all looked toward government for answers.
After all, the defense and security of America has been and still is the governments responsibility… they have failed… and today in 2024… they continue to fail.
Under President George Bush the Patriot Act was born… under President Barrack Obama socialist programs flourished… under Donald Trump we were locked up in our homes… under Joe Biden, we are experiencing a record number of illegal aliens as tons of deadly and illegal drugs pour across an unsecured southern border, all of this is happening, while he continues to feverishly authorize and dispatch trillions of American Taxpayer Dollars to countries which have no concern for Americans.
In a very short time, a super bowl frenzy will commence as the presidential election nears, and American Citizens will ‘DEFEND THEIR GUY’ with the viciousness of crazed and rabid dogs.
I pray that we all revisit the Declaration Of Independence, the Constitution Of The United States, and offer special attention to our Bill Of Rights.
After doing so, I pray that we all forego voting for the cult of personality… and decide to Vote For America.
My name is Carlos Cruz and I am an American Citizen… and I am so privileged to live in America… The Greatest Country On Earth.